What does it mean?

You've been thinking about somone. Somone you haven't heard from in weeks, months or even years, and within a short period of time you receive some kind of communication from them. Twice I received letters from a woman I had worked with years before within a day of thinking about her for the first time in a long period of time. The second instance I even stopped in front of the mailbox and had the idea that there was going to be a letter from her because it had already happened once and sure enough, there was a letter in the box. My question is obvious. What is this phenomenon that boils down to a "Strange Case Of Uncanny Timing"?

Is it God? Is it the Universe? Entanglement? Are our brains Quantum computers? Is it the "Law of Attraction"?, or is it all nothing more than a coincidence? Carl Jung called it synchronicity and it happens all the time. Does it happen to you? It happens to me and I find myself wondering "What does it mean?". Decide for yourself as you follow my diary of another "Strange Case Of Uncanny Timing", also known as a S.C.O.U.T!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Reader contribution - Let me give you hand, or if you prefer, take one away

Background – I had a heated discussion with my dear friend Sujatha at the gym this week about our struggling economy.  The subject centered on the unemployment rate and the fear of one’s spouse losing their job.  Sujatha is of the mind that if you think about a subject, and focus on it intently, that you will bring some form of it into being; be it a positive thought and something you desire, or be it a negative thought rooted in fear.  This belief is commonly called the “Law of attraction” and it was the motivation behind Sujatha’s desperate attempts to change the subject so that we wouldn't attract something negative from this very negative conversation!  In general I agree with her, but stubbornly wanted to make my point (I’m Irish and us Irishwoman want to make our point when we want to make it, regardless of the consequences!), therefore I turned my frustration to her and told her that she has no fear of this because her husband is an orthopedic surgeon and that there is no chance he will lose his job.  In other words, she has the luxury of not having to worry about this subject and therefore it’s easy to ignore it.

Sujatha is an extremely kind and sensitive person and therefore my frustration wasn’t lost on her.  In fact, she spent most of the remaining day thinking about what might cause her husband to lose his job because I had been a good Irish woman and made my point! After much consideration, Sujatha came up with just two realistic scenarios in which her husband could lose the ability to perform his job; loss of his eyesight, or loss of the use of his hands.

S.C.O.U.T. - Sujatha’s husband arrived home from work that night and while he was pulling off his wedding ring she noticed that he winced while ever so gently wiggling the ring off his finger.  She asked him what was wrong and he told her that his assistant had dropped a heavy instrument on his hand that day and that it must have bruised because it was still very tender.  Sujatha was dumbfounded as she connected the amount of focus she had poured into the thought of her husband hurting his hands that day to the fact that he was now, for the first time in Sujatha’s memory, standing in front of her nursing just such an injury.  Thankfully it wasn’t serious, just a fractured thumb and blackened nail, no career ending injury, but the uncanny timing of this event gave Sujatha pause none the less. 

You can decide for yourself if you think these events were connected, or nothing more than a coincidence, but for the record Sujatha, I give you my Irishwoman’s promise (for whatever that’s worth), that we will now only speak of positive things when we meet at the gym ;) 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reader contribution - A son's love for his mother

Background – My friend sent me this story about Anna’s blog, “An Inch of Gray”.  Anna is the woman who lost her son Jack in the floods this past September, and this entry “Jack-ed up phone”, is about how her cell phone will start playing music at random, only since her son died.  This is her blog entry and then the link for the song that randomly started playing on her phone: 

S.C.O.U.T. ~ Anyway, this past Friday morning I walked down to the Bridge for only the second time since the accident. It's just too hard seeing how very, very far the bridge where they found Jack is from where he fell in the water in our neighborhood. I mean really, really far. It's too outrageous seeing a mere trickle of water, even after days of rain, in the shitty little creek bed, yet to know that on that one horrible night it was a raging wall of water that reached over the banks, the bridge, the road.

I took a picture of the cross that friends erected on the roadside. I wanted it for myself, and to share with you on the "Jack's Thrift Store Playlist" post.

So that night, on our way to pack shoe boxes in Jack's memory for Operation Christmas Child, Tim, Margaret and I ducked into a pizza place to get Margaret a slice. It was loud and crowded. I felt trapped. I was angry at all the families having a care-free Friday night.
I went to stand outside on the stoop and heard music coming from my coat pocket. Again? It was one of the very songs that had popped up in the thrift shop weeks earlier.  Which one? Check it out. Believe me, it's worth it.....

How could anyone ever possibly argue that this was just a coincidence and not her son trying to comfort her and tell her that “life is such a gift” and that she needs to “live and to love, and to forgive and never give up”.  How could anyone possibly argue that?  Anna will see Jack again.  I’m not sure about a lot of things in this life, but of this I am sure. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

August 30, 2010 - Twenty odd, very odd, dollars

Background – Yesterday I bought a small folding bookcase for $59.99 and, after getting it home, liked it enough to want two more for another area in the house.  I went online because I figured such a common bookcase could certainly be found for less than $50 bucks with all the sites to choose from.  After searching at least ten sites for the exact same bookcase, I came to the conclusion that $59.99 was the lowest price I was going to find and laughed at myself for making such a fuss over a sum of twenty odd dollars or so; but I was stilled bummed about my failure to hit the “goal price”.  I sucked it up and headed back to the store to purchase two more bookcases and relinquish my twenty odd dollars.

S.C.O.U.T. – I had gotten my bookcase at the back of the store, but there were none left in that spot.  The clerk told me that they had a few more up front and I headed off to find them.  The bookcases I located in the front window of the store were marked with a sign that read “$49.99” and I immediately jumped for joy at my good luck!  I would indeed get my bookcase for the price I had been so determined to find. 

As I filled the cashier in on my story and my apparent “good luck”, she suddenly lifted her head from her clicking and her clacking and informed me that the price wasn’t coming up in the register.  These bookcases were $59.99.  We called the manager over and she quickly figured out the problem.  The $49.99 sale on these bookcases had ended yesterday and the sale sign hadn’t been taken down!  She gave me the sale price and destroyed the sign. What uncanny timing!!

Another case of “ask and ye shall receive”?  I don’t know…I’ve asked for a lot of things that I haven’t gotten (yet); although I have a sneaking suspicion that God, the universe and “the powers that be” know me better than I know myself and that I get the things I’m supposed to get, the things that really feed my inner happiness.  Justification?  Reaching?  Maybe.   Maybe these things really are just coincidences, the problem is that when it happens that little tingle running down your spine makes it feel anything but coincidental.  My goofy dog Scout says he knows me better than I know myself and that the “real me” really wants to give him that big bag of “Bacon Bits” in the fridge.  Sigh, typical.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Reader contribution - Faster than a speeding lacrosse ball (named Scout)

Background – My son had spent the day at a physically grueling lacrosse tournament and was finally lying in bed trying to relax into sleep while reviewing the day’s events.  He was headed off to yet another tournament the next day and found himself thinking about ways to improve his performance and “kick up his game” so to speak.  As his mind drifted, he found himself wondering just how fast his reaction time could be.  Just how fast could he catch and then shoot the ball?  What are his physical limits?  He ran through a number of scenarios that would test, and answer, that very question before settling on one particular set of circumstances.  He drifted off to sleep wondering whether, in infinitesimal chance that this particular play should occur, he would be able to react quickly enough to catch and then shoot the ball, thereby turning it into a goal.   It was only a dream however, because in his seven years of playing lacrosse he had never seen it happen.

S.C.O.U.T. – It was the second game of the tournament and my son was sliding back and forth around the goal, shouting to his teammates that he was “OPEN”!!  The ball came hurling his way and he easily scooped it out of mid-air, wound back his arm and shot it at the square orange framed net.  He aimed slightly to the left in order to avoid the swiveling goalie, who was determined to thwart his success, and ended up hitting the goal pipe with a loud claangg.  The strange part, however, was that the ball bounced off the pipe which sent it hurling straight back at my son.  In one smooth motion, his reaction time was lightning fast as he caught the ball, shifted his weight forward and shot, this time hitting his mark and scoring the goal.  He couldn’t wait to tell me after the game how he had been day dreaming of that exact scenario only the night before; wondering if he would be fast enough in the split second that the ball bounced off the pole to catch it and score a goal.  It was as if he had to tell someone about this strange case of uncanny timing because he was in awe of the fact that his daydream had come to full fruition the very next day.

Once again I find myself wondering if it was just a coincidence, or perhaps a premonition, or rather some mind/body/universe connection.  My goofy dog Scout simply nods his head knowingly and nuzzles my sons hand in a furry congratulation for a game well played.  One of these days he’s going to give up some of those cosmic secrets he’s guarding, so help me God!