Background – Mike (my husband) shot a message to a woman (Leslie) who
he hadn’t spoken to in some time. He was
starting a new job thought they could talk some business to their mutual
benefit. The next morning the phone rang
– it was Leslie returning his message.
S.C.O.U.T. – The first thing out of her mouth was “OMG! You must have ESP! Bob Ayres and I were on a plane yesterday
talking about you and it made me think that I need to give you a call. When I got home I got your message and it totally freaked me out!!”
Re-al-i-ty - "The state or quality of being real" according to
This little parlor trick has happened to me on more than one
occasion, it has clearly happened to Leslie, and I know it has happened to youJ, and at that moment did you stop to
think? I mean really think, about
whether you truly believe it was just a coincidence? As that tingle creped down your spine and,
just for a split second, you felt the overwhelming awe that our world is nowhere
near as solid as it appears…. “Reality is
merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one” ~ Albert Einstein.
Why thank you Robert!