What does it mean?

You've been thinking about somone. Somone you haven't heard from in weeks, months or even years, and within a short period of time you receive some kind of communication from them. Twice I received letters from a woman I had worked with years before within a day of thinking about her for the first time in a long period of time. The second instance I even stopped in front of the mailbox and had the idea that there was going to be a letter from her because it had already happened once and sure enough, there was a letter in the box. My question is obvious. What is this phenomenon that boils down to a "Strange Case Of Uncanny Timing"?

Is it God? Is it the Universe? Entanglement? Are our brains Quantum computers? Is it the "Law of Attraction"?, or is it all nothing more than a coincidence? Carl Jung called it synchronicity and it happens all the time. Does it happen to you? It happens to me and I find myself wondering "What does it mean?". Decide for yourself as you follow my diary of another "Strange Case Of Uncanny Timing", also known as a S.C.O.U.T!

Friday, October 14, 2011

August 25, 2010 - Lightly popped love, courtesy of the universe

Background – On a whim, I bought my hubbie some “lite” kettle corn at Trader Joe’s today (good stuff…110cal/pkg, 3g fiber and only 4g sugar!).  I never buy him snack food.  I mean never, ever, ever; and I don’t have a good explanation as to why I picked up this bag of “lite” kettle corn and dropped it in my basket on this particular day.  The hubbie will back me up on this one, and add that the low fat triscuits and whole wheat pretzels I’ve tried in the past don’t count as “snack food”, neither of which he ate, or appreciated.

S.C.O.U.T. – When he got home from work, I proudly presented him with my impromptu gift.  He took one look at the bag and said “Oh, you saw that report on “The Today Show” this morning”. 

I thought for a moment and then shook my head “no”. 

Certain that I must have seen the report (as this is the only possible explanation for why I had bought him Kettle Corn to snack on) he elaborated.  “You know, the report where the lady said that lite, popped snacks are best” he said while nodding his head and waving his arm in an attempt to help me remember. 

I still had to say “No, I didn’t see that report”. 

Perplexed now, he said more to himself “that’s weird because after I watched the report I thought “I think I’ll get me some of those lite, popped snacks”( I could almost see his wheels turning “there’s no way she can say “no” to “lightly popped snack food”) .  Humph, “I guess you get what you ask for!” he announced triumphantly after snatching the bag from me and heading for the family room.  What a strange case of uncanny timing!

For the record, “lightly popped kettle corn” is a poor substitute for the real thing, as the now stale, only half eaten bag in the pantry will testify.  My goofy dog Scout is annoyed that God, the universe and the “powers that be” haven’t delivered the snack food that he’s been asking for, including snausages and pigs ears (blekkhh).  Perhaps I’ll give him the rest of Dads uneaten, infinitely healthy, “treat”… he is not amused, and not interested.

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