What does it mean?

You've been thinking about somone. Somone you haven't heard from in weeks, months or even years, and within a short period of time you receive some kind of communication from them. Twice I received letters from a woman I had worked with years before within a day of thinking about her for the first time in a long period of time. The second instance I even stopped in front of the mailbox and had the idea that there was going to be a letter from her because it had already happened once and sure enough, there was a letter in the box. My question is obvious. What is this phenomenon that boils down to a "Strange Case Of Uncanny Timing"?

Is it God? Is it the Universe? Entanglement? Are our brains Quantum computers? Is it the "Law of Attraction"?, or is it all nothing more than a coincidence? Carl Jung called it synchronicity and it happens all the time. Does it happen to you? It happens to me and I find myself wondering "What does it mean?". Decide for yourself as you follow my diary of another "Strange Case Of Uncanny Timing", also known as a S.C.O.U.T!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

He taketh away, but he also giveth...

Background  -  My youngest wasn't feelin so hot so we ran out to the Minute Clinic to see what was up.  We had some time while the flu test was "cooking" and the nurse got to telling me her story.  Fifteen years ago she tragically lost her second child, a little girl, at just seven weeks old.  The baby had a devastating genetic disorder that the doctors said was "incompatible with life".  That did little to soothe this poor womans broken heart as she had just lost a child that she had become very bonded to.  She and her husband decided that they couldn't take the heart ache, or the risk of having anymore children and settled on loving and raising the son they already had.

As seems to be the case when you vow your done having kids, she got pregnant shortly thereafter. 

S.C.O.U.T. -  Her second son was born one year later.  He came eight weeks early and was born... on her daughters birthday!!

Here it was fifteen years later and she told the story as if it had happened yesterday.  She kept saying to me "don't you think that's weird?  I mean seriously, how weird is that timing?  Do you think that's weird?" 

Clearly I see the significance of that timing as I have an entire blog about it!  My goofy dog Scout was even chilled by this one.


  1. I love this. Thank you for posting this. So moving. He works in mysterious ways.

  2. I remember soon after Patrick was born vowing we were doing having babies!! And 10wks later I found out I was Pregnant with the Princess!! LIfe is funny and you never know what crazy things will be handed your way, but you just gotta pick up and enjoy every minute of it!!
